Founded in 1990 as the College of Trollhättan and Uddevalla. Campus moved to Trollhättan in 2008
13,000 enrolled students annually. 5,100 full-time.
750/715 employees (researchers, teaching staff and administrative staff)
Four departments: Engineering Science, Health Science, School of Business, Economics and IT, Social and Behavioural Studies.
Profile Work Integrated Learning (WIL)Has the distinguished task of developing WIL from the Swedish government: High and increasing number of applicants
Wide recruitment: Highest level in Sweden of students with a non-academic background
High level of employment after graduation: At top level in Sweden with 87 percent of the graduated students established in the labor market one year after exam.
High level of external funding of research: Over 50 percent of the total amount
Phd Eduation in Work integrated learning (55 doctoral students) and Production technology (35 doctoral students)
Cooperation with other universities: 135 partner universities, and about 30 countries worldwide
WIL at University West
Long-standing member of WACE
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) defines everything we do as a university
Conducts nationally and internationally recognized education within the field of WIL, from Bachelor to PhD level
Unique doctoral program within WIL
Quality assurance system for WIL in education
A long history of conducting practice-oriented research closely together with all types of partners in society