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Hotel Accommodation

Hotel Information

The Scandic Swania hotel  is located within walking distance to University West.

Rooms are available on a first-come, first served basis until rooms sells out.

Scandic Swania (10 minute walk to UW)

The rooms can be booked via Scandics website or by calling Scandics Central bokning on +46851751700, dial tone 1.

The bookings are made individually and will be handled as an individual booking.

The guest can change and/or cancel their room until 6 PM on the day of arrival. In case of changes and/or cancellations after 6 PM on the day of arrival or in case of no-show, the hotel has the right to charge for missed nights. In case of early departure, the guest must notify the hotel 24 hours before departure in order not to be liable for payment.

Check-in time is: 3 PM and check-out time: 12 PM. For arrivals before: 3 PM, we offer the possibility of check-in subject to availability. Otherwise, you have the possibility to store your luggage at the hotel.

Additional hotels within walking distance to University West:

Hotell Bele (5-10 minute walk to UW)

Clarion Hotel Kung Oscar (5 minute walk to UW)



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