WACE seeks to promote research activity that will advance and strengthen the understanding of cooperative and work-integrated education (CWIE) in post-secondary/tertiary education across the globe. The results should have educational implications for CWIE programs across geographic regions and/or more than one institution.
A research grant will be awarded to a researcher/ research team for a single research project. The project must be completed, and the report submitted, by 31st July, 2024
The funds will only be sent to the institutional research office or finance office of the Principal Investigator listed on the application form. No funds will be released to an individual researcher’s bank account.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications CLOSED as of 15th May 2023
SUBMIT APPLICATION ONLINE TO: WACE 2023 Research Grant Application Form
1. The Principal Investigator must be affiliated with a post-secondary/tertiary institution and be a member of WACE through one of the membership categories listed on the website.
2. The proposed project must not be funded by other granting agencies but can be tangential to - or stem from - the findings of a previously funded research project.
3. WACE Executive Council members, IRC Chair, and the Chair of the Grants Committee are not eligible to apply for this grant.
Submission Requirements:
Complete the WACE Grant Application Form.
Responsibilities of Researchers:
1. The Principal Investigator will sign a WACE research grant agreement indicating they will:
• adhere to the grant deadline,
• use funds for eligible expenses only with a maximum 30% allocated to travel.
• disseminate the results at the WACE World Conference or WACE International Research Symposium,
• publish in an academic journal or WACE refereed conference proceedings.
2. The Principal Investigator will submit a brief (one page) progress report to the WACE IRC Executive Chair six months after receiving the grant. The progress report will include the status of the project, a brief financial report, and a statement regarding the plans for dissemination of the results.
3. The Principal Investigator will submit a final research report to the WACE IRC Executive Chair by the 31st of July, 2024. This report will include a summary of the project, a full financial statement endorsed by the approved individual managing the funds, and a statement regarding the dissemination of the results.
4. In the event that researchers are not able to begin the research, all funds must be returned to WACE.
5. In the event, the researchers are not able to complete the research, all unused funds must be returned to WACE.
6. In the event the Principal Investigator leaves their institution, the Principal Investigator is to contact the WACE IRC Chair to discuss appropriate management of the funds.
7. In the event there are unused funds remaining after the project has been completed, such unused funds must be returned to WACE.
For more information regarding the WACE Research grant, please contact the WACE IRC Chair, Assoc. Prof. Karsten Zegwaard.