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National Associations

WACE actively partners with national and regional associations focused on co-operative and work integrated education (CWIE). The WACE National Association Committee consists of representatives of all regional and national associations and its purpose is to build capacity and collaboration globally and provide a mechanism for communication between WACE and National Associations.

Terms of Reference WACE National Association Committee

The WACE National Associations Committee was formally organized and approved by the WACE Executive Committee following the 2017 World Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The membership of the Associations Committee is made up of two representatives from duly recognized national CWIE associations who are invited by WACE to participate in the Associations Committee.

The Associations Committee objectives must align with the goals and objectives of WACE. As approved by the WACE Executive Committee, one representative from the WACE Global National CWIE Associations Committee shall serve on the WACE Executive Committee.

The initial goals of the Associations Committee are:

  1. Mentor and support emerging national associations globally
  2. Provide a mechanism for communication between the WACE Executive Committee and National Associations
  3. Provide advice on emerging national trends to inform WACE planning and decisions making
  4. Enhance and encourage global collaboration between nations around CWIE
  5. Develop mechanisms to develop and share WIL resources globally
  6. Undertake advocacy for CWIE collaboratively
  7. Leverage national association links to industry to progress WACE agendas globally
  8. Instigate and undertake key collaborative projects around CWIE
  9. Enhance capability building in CWIE through collaboration

(Terms of Reference as PDF)

The current membership of the Associations Committee consists of the following national associations from these countries or regions:

Work-Integrated Learning Australia Work-Integrated Learning Australia
KACE Korea Association for Co-operative & Work-Integrated Education KACE Korea
Co-Operative Education And Work-Integrated Learning Canada CEWIL Canada
WILNZ (Work-Integrated Learning New Zealand) NZACE New Zealand
Southern African Society For Cooperative Education SASCE Southern Africa
Thai Association For Cooperative Education TACE Thailand

For more information about the WACE National Associations Committee please contact:
Judie Kay at

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