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Membership Comparison

Global Partner Memberships

Global partners, the elite world leaders in work-integrated learning, are offered an exclusive platform to demonstrate their global leadership.  This includes hosting one WACE conversation per year, a prominent profile on the WACE website, and complimentary digital promotion at conferences and events.  Global partners also hold a seat on the WACE Global Strategy Council, the hub where the international community collaborates to advance WIL worldwide. As a mark of their elite status, global partners receive full discounts on WACE events and the Global WIL challenge.

Full Institutional Memberships

As a full institutional member, your higher education institution will be part of a global network that supports the advancement of work-integrated learning. You'll have a seat at the Global Strategy Council, where you can contribute to the advancement of WIL internationally. You'll enjoy full discounts on WACE events and the Global WIL Challenge, providing significant value for your institution.

Limited Institutional Memberships

Limited institutional memberships, tailored for organizations with up to two individuals seeking to benefit from WACE membership, offer a flexible and cost-effective way to engage with the WIL community. These members have the freedom to manage their engagement while enjoying the benefits of WACE PD and events with a partial discount, empowering them to make the most of their membership.

Individual Memberships

Individual memberships are designed for persons who are passionate about work-integrated learning and do not have access to an institutional or partner membership.  Individual members enjoy full access to the WACE community including a partial discount on all WACE events.

National Associations

National association memberships allow members of national WIL associations to benefit from participation in the WACE community.  Each national association is eligible to nominate a representative for the national associations committee where pressing issues and updates on national WIL initiatives are shared.  National association members can also nominate a representative to the global strategy council.  National associations can leverage WACE’s global network for cross-promotion of WIL-related activities and receive profiles in a WACE newsletter.  National Association members receive access to all free WACE events.


Affiliate members are invited to stay in touch with WACE with access to our newsletter, blog, and LinkedIn group.

The chart below provides a full list of benefits per membership type.  If you would like to talk to a member of the membership committee to learn more, please contact

Benefits Global Partner Full Institutional Limited Institutional Individual National Association Partner Affiliate
Newsletter/Email Blasts/Blog/
Profile in WACE Newsletter
WACE Events Registration Fee Full Discount



Partial Discount Partial Discount
Profile in WACE Webinar
Virtual Professional Development Seminars Full Discount Partial Discount Partial Discount Partial Discount
WACE Conversations webinars
WACE LinkedIn Group
Profile on WACE Website
Promotion of WIL related events
Nominate organizations or individuals for WACE awards
Apply for research grants
Nomination to Global Strategic Council
Recognition on all publications and website
Professional Development* Partial Discount Partial Discount
Global Challenge Fees

Full Discount

Full Discount

Opportunity to showcase organization in a WACE Conversation on a mutually agreed topic
Digital Promotion at Conferences and Events
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