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Accepted Presentations IRS 2022

The Call for Papers and Posters is now closed.

WACE IRS 2022 Presentations by Theme

The following is a list of the accepted presentations for the International Research Symposium 2022 by theme.

Building Students' Employability Through WIL

            • Creating a sustainable future for business schools through industry-university placement collaborations
            • Effects and Issues about New Promotion of Co-op Program in Japan
            • Employers’ Perspectives on Co-op Student Work Tasks that Support Their Employability Competencies
            • Implementation of Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education at “Professional University” in Japan: Case Studies of Faculty of Information, Kaishi Professional University
            • The benefits, challenges and impacts of telehealth placements for accredited health programs during the COVID-19 pandemic

Global and Multidisciplinary WIL Opportunities

            • Global Challenge: an innovative program connecting students across the globe
            • International connectivity for WIL practitioners through Global WIL professional development
            • Telling the story of an interfaculty, multi-disciplinary learning-in-action WIL Project within the University of Johannesburg

Improving WIL Opportunities and Experiences

            • A case study on the curriculum development for cooperative education in general education
            • Co-operative Education Job Seekers’ Use of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Résumé Critique Product
            • Extending Our Understanding of Work Experience Quality: The LIRN Model
            • Improving graduate readiness through a Project-Based Learning: Lessons from the multi-modality Work Integrated Learning case study
            • Integration of WPL in an Engineering course to strengthen regional development
            • Supporting Student Well-Being through Remote Work-Integrated Learning: Perspectives from Program Coordinators

Institutional Structures and Practices for Supporting WIL

            • Accreditation of Co-op and/or WIL programmes
            • Benefits of work-integrated learning for educational institutions
            • Contextualising WIL to the local context
            • Establishing and managing the practice of institutional wide-WIL within an established institution
            • Risk management and ethical practice in WIL
            • Environmental scan of work-integrated learning in South Africa
            • The best of both: harnessing the potential of repurposing data sets in WIL research
            • Have we met? Assessing links between academic and work learning

Models of WIL

            • Defining work-integrated learning
            • Work-integrated learning through the practice of apprenticeships
            • Work-integrated learning through the practice of cooperative education
            • Work-integrated learning through the practice of entrepreneurships enterprise, and start-ups
            • Work-integrated learning through the practice of short-term work placements and part-time placements, part-time field placements.
            • Work-integrated learning through the practice of work placements, internships, practicums, and, clinical placements (full time, 400 hour, full immersion placements)
            • Bachelor thesis as practice-based education and the role of supervision: theoretical framework and research design

Partnerships in WIL

            • Benefits of WIL to employers/external partners
            • Establishing sustainable national and global networks for promoting co-operative, work-integrated education, and work-integrated learning
            • Collaboration through a skills demand and skills supply application
            • Local Indigenous Perspectives and Partnerships: Enhancing Work-Integrated Learning
            • Work Integrated Learning (WIL) funding supported by SETAs for South African students during their workplace training: A case study of DUT.

Professional and Skills Development in WIL

            • Enhancing intercultural effectiveness through WIL
            • Purposeful Futures of Work: Developing Student Understanding and Agency through a Learning Ecosystem of Work-Integrated Learning and Career Education: A Case Study from the University of Waterloo
            • Effects and Challenges of Internships as "Communities of Practice" on Young People's Career Development: A Case Study of a Japanese University
            • Future Skills as leading labour market demand for the Blockchain industry
            • Meeting the technical needs of Technical, Vocational, Education and Technical (TVET) College lecturers through Work-Integrated Learning
            • The Value of Virtual Reality Simulations in Learning Workplace Skills
            • Virtual agile project-based learning experiences for undergraduate software development students

Social and Organizational Dynamics and Impacts of WIL

            • Developing a framework to assess the socio-economic impacts of work-integrated learning experiences in British Columbia (BC), Canada
            • Gendered competencies: The rhetoric of doubt in female identified WIL students’ stories
            • Relational Dynamics and Organizational Commitment in a Remote Work Setting: The Role of Workplace Friendships
            • Realising the potential of Teacher Education in addressing the SDGs
            • Value and Impact of an Internship Activity to Increase Awareness of and Engagement with the UN’s SDGs

*Subject to change without notice

General Information

  • Description: Refereed Research Papers and Posters are those that feature empirical work and may be either Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods research.

For Papers

  • Blind-Review Process: The review of the submitted paper will be conducted through a double blind-review process.

  • Presentation: All authors will be asked to video record a 15-minute presentation based on their accepted paper in advance of the symposium. The videos will be shared online with the virtual attendees and will be shared with the in-person attendees as part of a facilitated session with the author, or a designated chairperson. The author or chairperson will lead a discussion related to the research following the presentation.

  • Online Conference Proceedings: The accepted papers will be featured in the online Symposium Proceedings, which will be housed on the WACE website. The online Symposium Proceedings will contain an assigned ISBN. Unlike previous years, once a paper has been presented at the symposium, the paper CANNOT be withdrawn from the proceedings.

For Posters

  • Those who would like to present a poster will submit an abstract describing their research. If accepted, they will be invited to share their poster as part of a virtual or in-person session (depending on whether they are able to attend in person or not). There will be an opportunity to speak about their research briefly (5-10 min) and then respond to questions that attendees may have.

Submission Timelines

February 28, 2022 – Deadline for research papers to be submitted. Due to the complexity of coordinating a hybrid conference, the deadline for submissions will be a hard deadline.

March/April – Reviews will take place.

By May 15 – Authors will receive the reviews of their paper and a decision about whether it has been accepted for the symposium.

By June 30 – Authors need to submit their 15 min recording of their presentation, and submit a revised version of their paper based on the feedback they have received. This will be the version of the paper that appears in the conference proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

(please note that the guidelines are different from previous years).

  • Abstracts: Submit a title and 200-word description of your research. Use the form here to submit by the January 31, 2022 deadline. You are encouraged to submit early to receive early acceptance. If you have any issues with the link to submit your abstract, please contact
  • Research Papers: All Refereed Research Papers should focus on CWIE research
  • Submission Criteria: If the abstract is accepted, a full paper must be submitted no later than February 28, 2022 for the double blind-review process, in which the paper will be reviewed by a team of international reviewers who will submit completed evaluation forms, which may contain recommendations for improvement (to be conveyed to author(s)), to the WACE International Research Committee.
  • Full Refereed Paper Requirements: Papers must have a MINIMUM of 1,500 words and a MAXIMUM of 2,000 words. This word limit includes tables but excludes the reference list and cover page.
    • There should be NO abstract in the proceedings paper.
    • APA 7.0 format must be used. Please carefully check the reference list for appropriate APA formatting.
    • We will be using the review platform Scholastica to coordinate the review and revision process. When you receive notification that your abstract has been accepted, you will receive instructions on how to submit your conference paper to Scholastica.

Developing a Journal Article from the Conference Proceedings

Authors may want to develop a journal article from the same work presented in the IRS proceedings. The changes to the 2022 IRS Proceedings Guidelines have been purposely made to limit the possibility of too much overlap with a subsequent journal article.

As a general guide for proceedings papers, authors should only present a facet of the data and the analysis rather than all the findings, limit or avoid implications arising from the work (but authors may want to discuss these during the oral presentation), limit the scope of the literature review, and focus more on describing the findings rather than critically discussing the findings. The Proceedings Paper should be a snapshot of what work the authors are currently undertaking. A Journal Article should be the full, comprehensive, and final product of a completed work.

For transparency, the subsequent journal article should include an acknowledgement that “an earlier version of this work was presented in YEAR at the NAME conference”.

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